Railway Test Benches
Thanks to its long-standing experience in designing and installing test benches, Simpro has designed and erected an industrial complex, the Osmannoro Centre for Experimental Dynamics, intended for research activities and tests on rolling stock in order to get the relevant certification and type-approval, within the Osmannoro Technological Pole, in Sesto Fiorentino (Florence). A cutting-edge plant, unique in Europe, of the greatest importance for the Italian research in the railway sector, whose project also involved the University of Pisa, Florence and Naples.
The plant has been erected in an area of about 11,000 m², and consists of four specific buildings where test benches are subdivided by thematic areas:
- Building for Mechanical and Electrical Tests (PME);
- Building for Electromagnetic Compatibility Tests (EMC);
- Subsidiary Building, including a test bench area (axle fatigue, wheels and wheel set fatigue tests), a machine shop and utility areas;
- Power Supply Unit Building, including any electrical conversion appliance for multi-voltage power supply of rolling stock and equipment under test.