The VICO-AD belt consists of double alternating right and left-hand spirals, connected by straight or crimped connecting rods. This belt is classified according to the pitch and internal openings of the spirals, the diameter of the wire and connecting rod and type of selvage.
The main materials that allow these conveyor belts to operate in continuous mode at high temperatures are: 25/20 AISI 314 stainless steel, Ni-Cr 37/18, Ni-Cr 37/18 Cb, Ni-Cr 80-20, Inconel 600 and Inconel 601.
VICO-AD can be supplied with welded or ladder selvages. On request, it can also be supplied with guard edges.
Appropriately sized spiral pitches and wire and connecting rod diameters allow VICO-AD belts to be used in continuous ovens up to temperatures of 1150°C.